My thoughts exactly just mine is not as eloquent.

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As always, you manage to express so clearly my thoughts on our country. It is what it is and if you're going to stay, belt up and get on with it with a positive mindset. There's no point screeching about everything all the time and for the most part people do get on with it, they do get along despite "racism" being pushed in our faces by the main stream press all day long, and most would actually lend a hand of times got too tough, as they do when places run out of water, burn to the ground or get flooded like last year. Great that you've joined Substack so we can read more in long form. Your Twitter account is a breath of fresh air and a sanity saver 😁

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My two cents worth where we're you during looting call it what you want it was civil war

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And the sane minded civilians defending their homes and families persevered and held their own like heroes.

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